For the Girls in India
Dear Kind Friends - Greetings in Jesus Name. I am searching for help to provide toilet facility to the girls of our free schools. As you know, we are giving free education through our [...]
Dear Kind Friends - Greetings in Jesus Name. I am searching for help to provide toilet facility to the girls of our free schools. As you know, we are giving free education through our [...]
A GREAT OPEN DOOR IN 2024 - Children that have been driven from their homes through national strife and war need love, comfort and food. We give it all with no intent of diminishing [...]
Nation to Nation cares about giving Burmese migrant children a healthy start. We deliver warm, organic soya milk to migrant children’s hostels. A gift of $50 provides three months of fresh soya milk to [...]
Catching up for 2022 - Each Clean Water System project includes: Assessing and testing school water sources Designing a water system specific to the school’s needs Installation 1 year training of local staff [...]
Catching up for May, 2022 - from our partners in India Dear Friends at Children's Hope - Greetings in Jesus Name. We have evangelism work - mainly through puppet show, painting, gospel tracts [...]
Catching up for April,2022 - In India, free medical clinics are carried out in poor villages in Kakinada in Southeast India. Medical care is also provided in clinics for lepers and those suffering [...]
CATCHING UP FOR March, 2022: from our Executive Director - CHI Executive Director, Dwyatt Gantt, explains our partnership with Pastor Paparao and Mission to the Nations - "I have traveled to many nations [...]
CATCHING UP FOR February 2022: A Grateful message from Pastor Paparao, our Partner in India - On behalf of the children... I take this opportunity to thank you for your donations to use for [...]
CATCHING UP FOR February 2022: A heartfelt message from Pastor Paparao, our Partner in India - My dear Brothers and Sisters - Greetings in Jesus precious name. Many thanks for your kindness. We [...]
The future changes for children in India who receive tuition, books, uniforms and lunches and can have an education. No free schools in these areas. The tuition is small but completely out of [...]